Friday, June 5, 2009

Release 4! What? Another doujin release?

Yup. That's right, after 4-5 months we are up to our 4th translation! Click for link to post. I should probably stick this on on 4chan too after we release version 2.

You know, I originally said I wanted to do a translation about every other month, but, who is complaining, right?

I've also recently got a new slew of doujins to sort through and tag. I found a torrent on Dead Frog that is almost 1 gig full of yuri doujins. I took a look at the list and noticed a few I already had. Let's hope for some new material.

Glad to see the chatbox is a hit. I feared it would be horrifically and cruelly spammed. Sadly, there's no way to moderate it's messages (that I know of) so if it is spammed and abused I will be forced to take it down...

Even with some new stuff now, progress is slow. I'm working hard attending extra school to get my dream job, and that doesn't leave any free time. Expect a ton of good stuff (including the next translation release!) around mid-July! The next translation is a loli shoujo ai doujin of sorts. It's from Lucky Star. I'm sure no one is complaining. The main story is translated, I just need to do the written story and omake at the end. By the way, speaking of Lucky Star, don't expect to see any 4koma (4 panel) work from us... they give my editor nightmares. That's why we left the omake alone in our Persona 3 release. But if you are a translator, you may feel free to cover whatever we miss and be credited for it!

TsundereYuriko, signing off! And doing tons of homework...

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